Sample of CfAlias.cfg File

The following example is a sample CfAlias configuration file, called CfAlias.cfg by default.

*   This file contains the CFAlias Configuration parameters.                * 
*   This file will be searched for parameters that match the                *
*   USERID and/or NODE.                                                     * 
*                                                                           *
*   NOTE: This feature is only supported on the Responder side.             * 
*                                                                           * 
*   Allowable parameters are:                                               * 
*      USERID= identifies the local user or DEFAULT for all users           * 
*      NODE= identifies the node name or DEFAULT for all nodes              * 
*      IPADDR= the IP address that initiated the transfer                   * 
*      TYPE= valid values are SEND, RECEIVE or BOTH                         * 
*      FILE= fully qualified file name                                      * 
*      ALIAS= name of file sent by initiator                                * 
*      ALLOW= valid values are YES and NO, if no match on alias, user is    *
*             allowed to define actual file name                            *
*                                                                           *
*   A grouping must have a USERID or NODE or IPADDR                         *
*   A grouping must have entries for both FILE and ALIAS or                 * 
*   an entry for ALLOW                                                      * 
*   ALLOW and FILE/ALIAS are mutually exclusive                             *
*                                                                           * 
*   NOTE:                                                                   *
*   A line can be commented with a * or // or # at the beginning of line.   *
*   There can only be one parameter per line.                               *
*   Parameters will be considered as part of the same grouping if the line  *
*   ends with a comma.  The last line in a grouping MUST NOT contain a      *
*   comma.                                                                  *
*   Each grouping must contain a USERID or NODE or both.                    *
*                                                                           * 
*   Requests are processed in the order that they are defined.  The first   * 
*   config entry that matches the transfer USERID and/or NODE is used.      * 
*                                                                           * 