Directory Tokens

There are two special tokens that are used for directory transfers.


The case-sensitive $(SDIR) token can be used with a Receive as part of the LocalFileName path, and with a Send as part of the RemoteFileName path. For example, you can set file names for a Receive as follows:
  • LocalFileName: C:\johndoe\data\$(SDIR)\$(RemoteFileName)
  • RemoteFileName: C:\MFT Platform Server\data\*

The text before the $(SDIR) token is assumed to be a base directory.

If ScanSubDir is checked on and there are files in both the remote directory (C:\MFT Platform Server\data) and in remote subdirectories, the subdirectories are created in the local directory (C:\johndoe\data).

If this token is missing but ScanSubDir is checked on, then all the files from the remote directory and all subdirectories are located in the local base directory. The file names are given by the $(RemoteFileName) token.

Subdirectories are created with the same access rights as the base directory. If some of the directories do not exist in the base directory path (for example, directory data from LocalFileName), the subdirectory is created with the same access as its base directory (johndoe). And all subdirectories created below it are created with the same access rights.

For a Send, $(SDIR) is used as part of the RemoteFileName path, in the form of C:\MFT Platform Server\data\$(SDIR)\$(LocalFileName).

If there are no subdirectory structures on the remote side (such as z/OS), files from the remote side are placed in the local base directory and $(SDIR) is ignored.


The $(MEMBER) token is used only for a Receive from a z/OS system. It is used for a similar purpose as the $(SDIR) token, but we use a different token because dataset names work differently from directory names. Therefore, you can use this token to have file names on the local side that are the same as member names on the z/OS side.

If there is no $(Member) in the file name from the z/OS side, the $(MEMBER) token is not used. For example, if the path is C:\MFT Platform Server\$(MEMBER)\whatever, it becomes C:\MFT Platform Server\whatever.