File to Job Transfers

The file to job transfer describes how to transfer a file and have the output of the transfer executed as a job.

To have the output of a transfer executed as a job, specify the positional parameter /JOB.

FTMSCMD [parameter] /SEND /JOB /[other parameters] file_name

The transfer can be in either direction (receiving a file from the remote side and having it executed on the local side, or sending a file to and having it executed on the remote side). The specific file name depends on the way in which the transfer occurs. For example, to receive a file from the remote side and have it executed on the local system, use file_name to specify the name of the remote file . You do not need to specify a local file name since the output is not written to any local file.

To send a file to the remote side and have it executed on the remote system, use file_name to specify the name of the local file.

The following is an example of sending a job to a remote system:
The following is an example of receiving a job from a remote system:
Note: The destination (DS or LU) must be set when doing a transfer.