PPA Tokens

The PPA substitutable fields use the percent sign (%) as the escape character instead of the dollar sign ($) that file tokens use. The following table lists the substitutable parameters that are supported for PPA. The C:\a\b\c\d\config.txt file is used as an example.

Substitutable Parameter Description Example
%DIR The directory without any file name or drive name. a\b\c\d


%DRIVE The drive name. C


%NODRIVE The file name without any drive name. a\b\c\d\config.txt


%SDIR The lowest level directory. d
%HDIR The highest level directory. a
%NOSDIR The directory name without the lowest directory. a\b\c
%NOHDIR The directory name without the highest level directory. b\c\d
%FILE The file name without the directory. config.txt
%LFILE The file name with a directory.



%LLQ The low level qualifier of a file (data after the last period(.)). txt
%HLQ The high level qualifier of a file. config
%TRN The transaction number. I824500001
%PROC The process name. ABC123
%UDATA The user data. USRDATAABC123
%JDATE The Julian date (YYDDD). 05236
%JDATEC The Julian date with the century (CCYYDDD). 2005236
%TIME The time (hhmmss). 165030
%GDATE The Gregorian date (yymmdd). 050824
%GDATEC The Gregorian date with the century (ccyymmdd). 20050824
Note: There can be multiple PPA parameters within a single PPA data field. Each substitutable parameter must be processed one at a time before going onto the next byte of PPA data. Some fields do not make sense such as %DRIVE in a UNIX environment. If a field does not make sense in the environment where PPA is being used, then the substitutable data is the text in the name of the parameter without the percent sign (%). If UNIX detects the %DRIVE parameter, then the value DRIVE is used as a substitution. Similarly, %PROC becomes PROC and %UDATA becomes UDATA if there is no interaction with a z/OS system.