Examples of Using cfprofile Utility

The following sample shows how cfprofile can be used on a command line with short commands:
C:\>cd Program Files\TIBCO\MFT Platform Server\System
C:\Program Files\TIBCO\MFT Platform Server\System>cfprofile n:dataserverA u:kenny p:apple
Profile added.
The following example shows a sample cfprofile by using the prompt parameter:
C:\Program Files\TIBCO\MFT Platform Server\System>cfprofile prompt:YES
Enter a valid Node Name: dataserverB
Add profile as local user Admin?
1: Yes
2: No
: 2
Enter new local user: *ALL
Enter a valid Remote User: bob
Enter a valid Remote Password:
Re-enter Remote Password:
Profile added for..
Local User = *ALL
Remote User = bob
Remote Password = ******
The previous sample cfprofile commands update a cfprofile.cfg file with the following contents:
Admin = Secure kenny 8eb26af8131f0634820482c79c83ff1b68584c8aa2f549eb10e984155eef
*ALL = Secure bob 84e053ab10463b6ea6c105e2c9bdbaadebc11b1ab9ba58774343702fbff
The local user profiles can be listed or deleted by using the action parameter. The following sample shows how to list profiles:
cfprofile a:list
Local User = root
Remote User = kenny
Local User = *ALL
Remote User = bob