Client-side Validations

At runtime, a component is validated depending on how you configure them at design time - on value change, or on form submission.

To understand how the validations occur, see the Table: Runtime Constraints.

Runtime Constraints

Runtime Constraints On Value Change On Form Close On Form Submit
BOM Constraint

(On Value Change)


(On Form Submit)


If you configure a validation on form submission, it occurs when the user submits the form, or when the validate(true) API is called on the component, or parent pane, or the form.

If a validation configured on form submission fails for a component, the runtime invokes all the validations of that component on its value change until all the validations pass again. In such a case, it does not consider if the validation is configured on form submission or on value change. The validation messages displayed for controls as the result of a failed form submission disappear after the user provides a valid value.