Modelled Application Archive

To enable the Business Analyst to access all the artifacts of a BPM project from a single location, TIBCO Business Studio saves the project as a Modelled Application Archive (MAA) file with a .maa file extension.

The MAA file contains information about the BPM project and its artifacts such as the organizational model, business object model, business processes, and packages.

The following figure describes the lifecycle of a typical MAA file.

  1. The Business Analyst models the process in TIBCO Business Studio - Analyst Edition, and saves the project as an MAA file.
  2. The Solution Designer imports the MAA into TIBCO Business Studio using the Import > Existing MAA Files into Workspace wizard.
  3. If the model needs to be modified, the Solution Designer exports the updated MAA from the existing project and passes it to the Business Analyst. The Business Analyst makes the changes to the model and passes the updated MAA back to the Solution Designer. The Solution Designer then re-imports the MAA into TIBCO Business Studio.