Duration Class

The value expected by the setValue of the duration control is an object of type Duration. The table lists the methods for the Duration class.

Method Return Value Description
Integer Returns the number of years set in duration.
setYears(Integer years)
Void Sets number of years in duration.
Integer Returns number of months set in duration.
setMonths(Integer months)
Void Sets number of months in duration.
Integer Returns number of days set in duration.
setDays(Integer days)
Void Sets number of days in duration.
Integer Returns number of hours set in duration.
setHours(Integer hours)
Void Sets number of hours in duration.
Integer Returns number of minutes set in duration.
setMinutes(Integer minutes)
Void Sets number of minutes in duration.
Integer Returns number of seconds set in duration.
setSeconds(Integer seconds)
Void Sets number of seconds in duration.
Integer Returns number of milliseconds set in duration.
setMilliseconds(Integer milliseconds)
Void Sets number of milliseconds in duration.
Boolean Returns true if this duration is a negative duration.
setIsNegative(Boolean isNegative)
Void Sets whether this duration should be treated as a negative duration.
convert(Boolean years, Boolean months, Boolean days, Boolean hours, Boolean minutes, Boolean seconds)
Void Converts the internal state of the Duration object to use only the intervals specified as true.
equals(Duration duration)
Boolean Returns true if the duration passed in is equal to this duration.
compareTo(Duration duration)
Integer Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer depending on whether this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified duration.
add(Date originalDate)
Date Returns a new date that is the result of adding the duration to originalDate.
String Returns the duration in an ISO-8601 string.