Creating a New Project

A project is the basic container that you use to store all the artifacts needed by your business process. The project you create here contains a basic organization model and a basic business object model. TIBCO Business Studio - Analyst Edition saves a project as a Modeled Application Archive file with the extension .maa, which you can pass on to the solution designer for the next stages of the design process.


  1. Start TIBCO Business Studio - Analyst Edition (for more information, see the installation guide.

    Click , either on the dialog that displays when TIBCO Business Studio - Analyst Edition opens, or on the ribbon at the top of the screen.

  2. The New Project dialog displays. Enter MotorClaims as the Project name and accept the default selection of the assets to add to the project (Business Process, Business Object Model and Organization Model).
  3. Click Finish. The MotorClaims project is created. It is shown in the left column, with Processes, Business Object Models and Organization Models in the right column.

    The new project contains the following artifacts:

    • An organization model, containing a single organization called Organization1
    • A business object model, called
    • A process package, containing a single process called MotorClaims-Process.

      Each of these three artifacts is displayed on its own tab.

      A fourth tab contains an overview of the project, as shown in the illustration above. The Overview page shows any error icons next to the relevant artifact, and the details of the error are shown in the Problems view.

      If you close any of the other tabs, you can re-open it by clicking Overview in the Diagram group, from the Overview tab, or from the tools on the Models group of the ribbon.

      Tip: Click once on each of the artifacts to display its properties in the Properties view. Double-click to open the editor for that artifact.
      Tip: Click on the icon by an artifact to go to the wizard to create a new version of that artifact.
  4. Click the MotorClaimsProcess process package tab. The Process Editor is displayed.
  5. On the Properties tab for the business process, select the Label field. Change the label to MotorClaims. Click away from the field to save the label change.
  6. Click the Organization1 tab.
  7. On the badge that shows the name of Organization1, click on the name and use Rename from the ribbon to rename it. Type EasyAs and click away from the field or press Enter to save your name change.

    Click or press Ctrl+S to save the changes you have made to the project.

  8. You are prompted to select a location to save the file. Select a suitable folder and save the file as the default MotorClaims.maa. This is the archive file which, when the analysis phase of the project is complete, you would pass on to the solution designer.


Next you should complete Defining Business Data