Migration from Previous Versions of TIBCO Business Studio Forms

The form model schema changed from version 1.0 in TIBCO Business Studio 3.9 to version 2.0 in TIBCO Business Studio 4.0. Therefore, forms created in TIBCO Business Studio pre-version 4.0 require migration from form schema version 1.0 to version 2.0.

If you import a form that was created in TIBCO Business Studio pre-version 4.0, it appears with a red X problem marker decoration. If you select the form, the Problems view displays the message:
This resource has an old format and requires migration.

  1. In the Problems view, right-click the marker for the form you want to migrate.
  2. Select Quick Fix from the context menu.
  3. In the Quick Fix popup, select the form(s) you want to migrate, then click Finish.

After the migration is finished, the Problem marker decorations are removed from the migrated forms in the Project Explorer view.

Note: The Problems view Configure Contents... action allows you to specify what content to display in the view. For each active Configuration, you can filter the view contents by restricting the Scope, Description, Severity, and marker Types displayed.

These content restrictions also apply within the Quick Fix popup, so if your intention is to 'quick fix' all instances of a given problem in a given project or the entire workspace, you should ensure that the Problems view contents are configured to include the required resources and marker types. For example, to migrate all forms in the workspace, you would need to have Scope = On any element.

The changes within the migrated forms are:
  • Mapping In and Mapping Out expressions are replaced with bindings where possible.
  • If a Mapping In expression did more than just assign the value of a parameter, that Mapping In expression is replaced with a computation action rule triggered by the Form open event.
  • If a Mapping Out expression did more than just assign the value of a control, that Mapping Out expression is replaced with a computation action rule triggered on Form submit event.
  • Event handlers on controls or the form are migrated to rules triggered on the specific control or the form.
  • Actions are migrated to script actions.
  • If the special file <project>/<form folder>/META-INF/form_ext.js is detected during migration, it is added as a JavaScript resource.
  • Validations such as during form submit no longer execute validations for controls that are invisible, or are inside panes that are invisible.
  • This release includes additional design-time checks. You may see problem markers appear in migrated forms that were not seen in earlier versions of TIBCO Business Studio.