Properties Tab

The Properties tab contains special fields that pertain specifically to the type of control being configured. Thus, not all controls have a Properties tab on their Properties view, and for those that do, the Properties tabs differ in their fields.

The controls with a Properties tab include - Button, Date, Time, Date-Time, Hyperlink, Image, Optionlist, Passthrough, Radiogroup, Text, and Text Area.

The controls without a Properties tab include - Check box and Label.

The controls having an extra property on the Properties tab only if the control is a child of a grid pane include - Date, Time, Date-Time, Optionlist, Radiogroup, Text, and Text Area.

Property for Child Controls of Grid Pane

Property Description
Always Render in Grid Pane Check box to render the grid pane child controls directly in edit mode. This property is related to Always render controls property for grid pane. If the Always render controls property is set to true, then all the controls on a grid pane are directly rendered in edit mode. However, if the Always render controls property is set to false, then the Always Render property setting on each control determines whether or not the control is rendered in edit mode. Refer to Grid Pane Properties Tab for further details.

This property is only supported in GWT runtime.

The details of the Properties tab for each control is described in the table Button Properties Tab.

Properties Tab for the Button Control:

Button Properties Tab
Property Description
Button Type Radiogroup list that allows the Form Designer to configure the type of button. Possible values are primary, peripheral, and associative. There are four kinds of buttons on the palette: Button (generic), Cancel Button, Submit Button, and Close Button.

The Properties tab is identical for each of them, except that the default value in the Button Type list is primary for the Submit button, and peripheral for the other button types. This means that a Submit button that is placed on a form from the palette, by default, is invoked on a mouse click or when you press the Enter key. Buttons of the other types are invoked only when they are clicked or otherwise selected.

Properties Tab for the Date Control:

Date Control Properties Tab
Property Description
Edit as List Check box to enable the Date control to represent multiple date values. It enables you to add and delete items, or move them up and down.
Maximum Visible Rows Specify the maximum number of visible rows.
Start Year Specify the first year that should be displayed in the date picker in mobile forms. The default value is -20.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for more details.

Start Year Relative Check box used to specify whether the value of Start Year is interpreted as being relative to the current year or as an absolute year. The default value is true.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for more details.

End Year Specify the last year to be displayed in the date picker in mobile forms. The default value is 20.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for more details.

End Year Relative Check box to specify whether the value of End Year is interpreted as being relative to the current year or as an absolute year. The default value is true.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for more details.

Properties Tab for the Time Control:

Time Control Properties Tab
Property Description
Edit as List Check box to enable the Time control to represent multiple time values. It enables you to add and delete items, or move them up and down.
Maximum Visible Rows Specify the maximum number of visible rows.
Minute Increment Specify the increment to be used while displaying the choice of minutes in a time control. The default value is 15 and the maximum value is 60.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for more details.

Properties Tab for the Date-Time Control:

Date Control Properties Tab
Property Description
Edit as List Check box to enable the Date-Time control to represent multiple date-time values. It enables you to add and delete items, or move them up and down.
Maximum Visible Rows Specify the maximum number of visible rows.
Start Year Specify the first year that should be displayed in the date picker in mobile forms. The default value is -20.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for further details.

Start Year Relative Check box used to specify whether the value of Start Year is interpreted as being relative to the current year or as an absolute year. The default value is true.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for more details.

End Year Specify the last year to be displayed in the date picker in mobile forms. The default value is 20.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for more details.

End Year Relative Check box to specify whether the value of End Year is interpreted as being relative to the current year or as an absolute year. The default value is true.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for more details.

Minute Increment Specify the increment to be used while displaying the choice of minutes in the date-time control. The default value is 15 and the maximum value is 60.

This is a mobile forms specific configuration. See Mobile Specific Configuration of Controls and Panes for more details.

Properties Tab for the Hyperlink Control:

Hyperlink Properties Tab
Property Description
URL The URL for this control.
Link Text The text for the hyperlink that appears on the form. This value can be set via script actions, computation actions, or bindings.

Properties Tab for the Image Control:

Image Properties Tab
Property Description
URL URL pointing to the image file that is to appear on the form.

The URL can either be an absolute URL, or a special folder relative path to the form resource. If the path is relative, then the image resource to which it points are deployed automatically when the form resource is deployed.

This value can be updated via script at runtime or by using a binding. If the location of the image is set dynamically to a relative path, then those resources are not be automatically deployed with the form. You can add these images as references in the form resources tab, so they are deployed when the form resource is deployed. See Configuration of Parameters for more details.

Properties Tab for the Optionlist Control:

Optionlist Properties Tab
Property Description
Allow Multiple Selections Allow users to choose multiple items from those listed, rather than being restricted to a single choice.
Choices: Binding
Label Array Use the Add a Binding button to:
  • Create a binding for this property
  • Update this property using a Computation Action
Value Array Use the Add a Binding button to:
  • Create a binding for this property
  • Update this property using a Computation Action
Choices: External Reference Click the ellipsis (...) button to choose an external object with value pairs, such as enumeration containing label values and name values.
Choices: Custom Values Use this table to add (+), delete (x), or reorder the choices in this list.

Properties Tab for the Pass-through Control:

Pass-through Control Properties Tab
Property Description
Markup Used to specify a block of HTML fragment. This markup is inserted directly into the browser DOM at runtime.

Click the Binding button to set the markup via a binding or computation action.

Properties Tab for the Radiogroup Control:

Radiogroup Control Properties Tab
Property Description
Format Choose the format for this control: auto, columns, horizontal, or vertical
Columns Choose number of columns to display the radio buttons: 1, 2, or more
Choice Layout
Layout type Select one of the following:
  • Auto
  • Columns
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
Columns Select number of columns.
Choices: Bindings
Label Array Use the Add a Binding button to:
  • Create a binding for this property
  • Update this property using a Computation Action
Value Array Use the Add a Binding button to:
  • Create a binding for this property
  • Update this property using a Computation Action
Choices: External Reference
Select object Click the ellipsis (...) button to choose an object, such as an Enumeration from a business object model, that contains name-value or label-value pairs.
Choice: Custom Values
Manage the List Use this table to add (+), delete (x), or reorder the choices that are part of this list.

Properties Tab for the Text Control:

Text Properties Tab
Property Description
Edit as List Check box to enable the Text control to represent multiple text values. It enables you to add and delete items, or move them up and down.
Maximum Visible Rows Specify the maximum number of visible rows.
Secret A control that visually masks what is input in order to prevent eavesdropping. Typically used when you type a password.
Numeric A control with this option selected treats the contents of the text field as a number with respect to how the decimal point is localized. This allows the control to work in locales that use a different symbol (such as “,”) for the decimal point.
Format The Format options are enabled only if the Numeric property is selected. The supported values are External Reference and Custom. See Numeric Controls for more information.
Maximum Length Maximum length of the text field, in numbers of characters.
Display Length The length of the field that can be viewed at one time, in numbers of characters.

Properties Tab for the Text Area Control:

Text Area Properties Tab
Property Description
Edit as List Check box to enable the Text Area control to represent multiple text values. It enables you to add and delete items, or move them up and down.
Maximum Visible Rows Specify the maximum number of visible rows.
Rows Determines the number of lines that can be typed in the textarea control.
Columns Determines the number of characters that can be typed in a single line of the textarea control.
Maximum Length Maximum length of the text area, in numbers of characters.

The controls with an extra property on the Properties tab only if the control is a child of a grid pane include - Date, Time, Date-Time, Optionlist, Radiogroup, Text, and Text Area.

Property for Child Controls of Grid Pane

Property Description
Always Render Check box to render the grid pane child controls directly in edit mode. This property is linked to Always render controls property of grid pane. If the Always render controls property is set to true, then all the controls on a grid pane are directly rendered in edit mode. However, if the Always render controls property is set to false, then the Always Render property setting on each control determines whether or not the control is rendered in edit mode. Refer to Grid Pane Properties Tab for further details.

This property is only supported in GWT runtime.