Child Labels Tab

Fields in the Forms Child Labels Tab

Property Description
Inherit from System Defaults Check box determines whether or not the values on this tab are inherited from the system defaults.
Label Width Determines the default label width in pixels inherited by top-level panes.
Label Position Determines the default label position inherited by top-level panes. Label position is with respect to the associated pane. Supported values are left and top.
Label Visible Determines the default label visibility inherited by top-level panes.
Font Name Determines the default label font inherited by top-level panes.
Font Size Determines the default label font height (in points) inherited by top-level panes.
Font Color Determines the default label text color inherited by top-level panes.
Font Weight Determines the default label font style inherited by top-level panes. Supported styles are normal and bold.
Text Align Determines the default label justification inherited by top-level panes. Supported values are left and right.