Properties Tab

The Properties tab contains special fields that pertain specifically to the type of pane being configured. Thus the Properties tabs on the Properties view for panes differ in their fields.

The horizontal pane, vertical pane, tabbed pane, and message pane have a common set of properties on the Properties tab. The grid pane and record pane have some additional properties.

The following sections describe the Properties tab for these panes separately.

Properties for Horizontal Pane, Vertical Pane, and Tabbed Pane
Property Description
Static Rendering Check box to enable static rendering for a pane. The information displayed within a static pane is displayed as read-only and you cannot modify the data. This property can be set only at design-time. It is not possible to convert a pane to static at runtime.
Text Only Check box to render a static pane as plain text, without any control widgets.This property is enabled only if the Static Rendering property is selected.
Defer Rendering Check box to defer the rendering of a pane until it is made visible. If the pane is visible at the time of loading, then it is rendered once the form is completely initialized and the Form Open event is fired. This property can be set only at design-time and it cannot be updated using bindings or using the API.
Defer Initialization Check box to defer the initialization of the children of the pane until the pane is rendered. This means that the pane object itself is always instantiated and available, but any nested child is not initialized until the pane is about to be rendered. This property is enabled only if the Defer Rendering property is selected.
Properties for Message Pane
Property Description
Suppress Validation Messages Check box to suppress the display of messages from the modeled pane and control validations. The default value is false, in which case the message pane displays all messages, both modeled validations and those programmatically added using the API. If true, the message pane displays only programmatically added messages.
Record Pane Properties Tab
Property Description
Support Add Operation (and Label) Check box to render a button in the record pane that can add a new record to the end of the list being managed by the record pane. The default label is New, but can be overridden by providing a new value in the Label input box.
Support Delete Operation (and Label) Check box to render a button in the record pane that can delete the currently viewed record. The default label is Delete, but can be overridden by providing a new value in the Label input box.
Show Navigator Check box to display the navigation bar with the record pane, allowing navigation across the set of records in the record pane.
Selection Click the Add a Binding button to specify the binding endpoint for a record pane. This can also be used when record pane is used in conjunction with a grid pane to offer a master/detail view of a list of objects. In such a scenario, the selection of the grid pane is bound to the selection of the record pane, and the value of the grid pane is bound to the value of the record pane. Whenever you select a different row in the grid pane, the corresponding record is shown in detail in the record pane.
Defer Rendering Check box to defer the rendering of a pane until it is made visible. If the pane is visible at the time of loading, then it is rendered once the form is completely initialized and the Form Open event is fired. This property can be set only at design-time and it cannot be updated using bindings or using the API.
Defer Initialization Check box to defer the initialization of the children of the pane until the pane needs to be rendered. This means that the pane object itself is always instantiated and available, but any nested child is not initialized until the pane is about to be rendered. This property is enabled only if the Defer Rendering property is selected.
Grid Pane Properties Tab
Property Description
Visible Rows Specify the maximum number of visible rows.
Support Add Operation Check box to render a button in the record pane that can add a new record to the end of the list being managed by the record pane. The default label is New, but can be overridden by providing a new value in the Label input box.
Support Delete Operation Check box to render a button in the record pane that can delete the currently viewed record. The default label is Delete, but can be overridden by providing a new value in the Label input box.
Buttons enabled in read only pane Check box to render the buttons as enabled even if the grid pane is read-only.
Add/Delete Button Position A radio control to define the position of the Add and Delete buttons. The supported values are Top and Bottom.
Movable Columns Check box to enable movable columns. This feature is not supported in GWT runtime.
Sortable Check box to enable sorting of the data in the grid pane.
Always render controls Check box to render a grid pane such that the child controls are directly rendered in edit mode. It eliminates the additional click action required to activate edit mode of grid pane. This property is related to Always Render property for controls. Refer to Properties Tab for further details.
Static Rendering Check box to enable static rendering for a pane. The information is displayed in a read-only mode within a static pane, and you cannot modify the data. This property can be set only at design-time. It is not possible to convert a pane to static at runtime.
Text Only Check box to render a static pane as plain text, without any control widgets.This property is enabled only if the Static Rendering property is selected.
Defer Rendering Check box to defer the rendering of a pane until it is made visible. If the pane is visible at the time of loading, then it is rendered once the form is completely initialized and the Form Open event is fired. This property can be set only at design-time and it cannot be updated using bindings or using the API.
Defer Initialization Check box to defer the initialization of the children of the pane until the pane is rendered. This means that the pane object itself is always instantiated and available, but any nested child is not initialized until the pane is about to be rendered. This property is enabled only if the Defer Rendering property is selected.
Selection Model Radio control used to specify the selection model. The supported values are single and multiple.
Selection Selection of a binding endpoint for a grid pane or master-detail pane. Click the Binding button to open the Edit Binding dialog, which allows you to choose an item and specify the update behavior invoked for that item when an instance is selected in the grid pane or master pane.
Row Label Used to specify the row label template resource and type. The available options are:
  • External Reference: to pick the row label from an external resource. You need to define the row labels in the <row_labels>.properties file. The resource key for the row label must follow the naming convention <component-name>[.property].<featureName>, and end with .rowLabel or _rowLabel.

    For example, {0}.

    Resources that do not follow these conventions are not displayed in the Resource Picker.

  • Custom: to specify a user-defined row label

    By default, the value of the first column of the grid pane is used as the row label.

    Note: This property is available only at accessible runtime.
Default Sort Column Used to specify the column on which to sort by default.
Default Sort Order Used to specify the default sort order - ascending or descending.
Modal Dialog Pane Properties Tab
Property Description
Render Close button on the title bar Check box to render a Close (X) button on the title bar of the modal dialog. Clicking this button fires the cancel event on the modal dialog.
Render Close button on the pane Check box to render an explicit Close button on the modal dialog. The default label is Close, but you can change the label by providing a new value in the Label field. The Close button closes the modal dialog, and fires the close event. You need to provide the semantics of a close action, that is, make sure that any relevant changes, which occurred in the modal dialog, are propagated to the main form model.
Render Cancel button on the pane Check box to render an explicit Cancel button on the modal dialog. The default label is Cancel, but you can change the label by providing a new value in the Label field. Note that a Cancel button closes the modal dialog, and fires the cancel event. You need to provide the semantics of a cancel action, that is, make sure that all the changes which occurred in the modal dialog are reverted.
Support ESC key to close Check box to support the Escape key on the modal dialog. If enabled, the cancel event is fired when the user presses the Escape key.
Dialog position
Radio buttons to specify the position of the modal dialog.
  • Center of the window: Renders the dialog at the center of the window.
  • Center of the form: Renders the dialog at the center of the form irrespective of the scrolling position.
  • Relative to the focused element: Renders the dialog at the position specified relative to the focused element. The top left position of the element is treated as (0,0). You need to specify the X and Y coordinates accordingly. Positive values move the pane downward and to the right by specified pixels.
  • Absolute position: Renders the dialog at an absolute position irrespective of the scrolling. The top left point in the view port is treated as (0,0). You need to specify the X and Y coordinates accordingly. Positive values move the pane downward and to the right by specified pixels.