List Controls in Display Mode

Similar to grid panes, list controls are either in display mode or in edit mode. If you press Tab when the focus is on a list control, the control is rendered in display mode, and the focus shifts to the first item in the list.

The keyboard shortcuts listed in the table Keyboard Shortcuts for List Controls in Display Mode are applicable only to list controls in display mode.

Keyboard Shortcuts for List Controls in Display Mode
Press To Do
Enter, or Click Activates edit mode, and maintains the focus on the current value.
Delete Deletes the selected item in the list. The focus shifts to the next item in the list, or to the Add button.
Tab Shifts the focus to the list control command bar.
Shift+Tab Shifts the focus to the previous component in the form.
Up Arrow key Shifts the focus to the previous item in the list.
Down Arrow key Shifts the focus to the next item in the list.
Home Shifts the focus to the first item in the list.
End Shifts focus to the last item in the list.