Using Programs and Features (Windows Only)

You can remove the installation using the Programs and Features option on your PC.


  1. Log in to Windows as a user with system administrator privileges. You must have system administrator privileges to uninstall this software.
  2. In the Control Panel, double-click Programs and Features.
  3. In the Add/Remove Programs dialog, select TIBCO Universal Installer(installation_environment_n) , where installation_environment_n is the directory corresponding to the installation environment you want to uninstall. If you have installed more than one TIBCO product, there will be multiple entries in Programs and Features (for example, TIBCO Universal Installer (c:\tibco\env_1), TIBCO Universal Installer (c:\tibco\env_2), and so on).
  4. Click Uninstall/Change.

    The uninstaller launches. Follow the uninstallation steps in Using the Uninstaller.

    Note: The uninstaller may not completely remove files that have been modified since the initial installation (for example, the configuration directory). If you do not need any of the other remaining files, manually delete them.