Detailed Transfer Display Parameters

The Detailed Transfer Display screen displays details for both a request queue transaction record and an audit transaction record. record

The following table lists all the parameters in alphabetical order for easy reference as well as provides a brief description of each parameter. (The listing is based on the order of screens provided in Selecting Detailed Transfer Display of Request Records.)

Parameter Description
First Screen
Completed The date and time that the transfer was completed.
Entry Status The status of the selected transfer. The status of the transfer can be Completed, Failed, Active, Held or Inactive.
Expiration The expiration date and time for the transfer.
Last Message Issued The last message issued for the transaction record selected.
Local File Name The local file name for the transaction record selected.
Local Number The local transaction number for the transaction record selected.
Remote File Name The remote file name for the transaction record selected.
Remote IP Port The remote port for the transaction record selected.
Remote Number The remote transaction number for the transaction record selected.
Remote System Name The remote platform for the transaction record selected. This may be a node (from the Network Configuration) or an IP Address.
Scheduled The scheduled date and time for the transaction.
Started The date and time the transaction started.
Transaction Type The transacting type for the transaction record selected. The type of transaction can be Send, Receive, Directory Transfer Send or Directory Transfer Receive.
Parameter Description
Second Screen
Byte Count The number of bytes in the file that processed the transfer transaction record.
Create Option The type of file creation used for the transfer transaction record.
Compressed Byte Count The number of compressed bytes that are in the file that processed for the transfer transaction record.
Compressed Ratio The compressed ratio of a transfer request file. Divide compressed byte count into byte count of the data transfer request file, getting the compressed ratio value for the transfer transaction record.
Compression Type The type of compression that is used for the data transfer request transaction record.
Convert CR/LF Specifies if the carriage return or line feed is used on database files when data transfer request transaction record is processed.
Encryption Type The type of encryption is used for the data transfer request transaction record .
File Type Indicates whether the file is binary or if it has conversion from ASCII to EBCDIC or vice versa for the transfer transaction record.
Local User ID The local user ID name for the transfer transaction record.
Logon Domain This is the logon domain which is the name of the domain on a remote system on which the given data transfer request transaction is used to sign on a remote system for the transfer transaction record.
Process Name The process name is the name of the data transfer request transaction issued for the transfer transaction record.
Remote User ID The remote user ID name for the transfer transaction record.
Scan Subdirectories The scan subdirectories that indicates that all the subdirectory files within a primary directory was transferred/retrieved for the transfer transaction record.
Stop On Failure Indicates whether to stop all the directory transfers on the first directory transfer that fails, while processing a directory for the transfer transaction record.
Test Directory Transfer The test directory transfer indicates whether to allow the user to display and create a directory transfer test list report of all local and remote file names for the transfer transaction record.
TLS The Transport Layer Security TCP/IP Protocol that is used and what type for the transfer transaction record.
TLS Cipher The Transport Layer Security TCP/IP Protocol Cipher Name that is used for the transfer transaction record.
User Description The description of the user that processed the transfer transaction record.
ZLIB Compression Level The type of ZLIB compression level that is used for the transfer transaction record.
Parameter Description
Third Screen
Allow Object Differences Indicates whether the differences are allowed between the saved objects and the restored objects when using MFT Platform Server object and library transfer commands for this transfer transaction record.
Checkpoint Count The checkpoint count indicates is the check point count that is used when data transfer request transaction is processed for this transfer transaction record.
Checkpoint Interval The check point interval in minutes that is used for this transfer transaction record.
Class Of Service Name The class of service name indicates that is used for this transfer transaction record.
CRC Check The CRC check validation method that is used when data transfer request transaction is processed for this transfer transaction record.
CRC Validation Value The CRC Validation Value indicates the CRC Check Validation value that is used when data transfer request transaction job is processed for this transfer transaction record.
Database Member Option The database members that are restored using MFT Platform Server object and library transfer commands for a transfer transaction record.
Error Try of Try Limit The current number of process request tries to all error records in the MFT Platform Server Request Queue File for a transfer transaction record.
Notify Email Failure The notify email address that is used when the data transfer request transaction fails.
Notify Email Success The notify email success that is used when the data transfer request transaction completes successfully.
Object Option The restoring of each library object for each MFT Platform Server object and library command for a transfer transaction record.
Priority The job scheduler priority number controls the order in which MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction record are processed.
Record Length The record length of the file that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction record is processed.
Parameter Description
Fourth Screen
z/OS Allocation Directory The number of z/OS allocation directory blocks that are used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS Allocation Primary The z/OS allocation primary count that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS Allocation Secondary The z/OS allocation secondary count that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS Allocation Type The z/OS allocation type that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS Block Size The z/OS block size of the file that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS HSM Data Class The type of z/OS HSM data class that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS HSM Management Class The type of z/OS HSM management class that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS HSM Storage Class The type of z/OS HSM storage class that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS Record Format The type of z/OS record format that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS Record Length The z/OS record length of the file that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS Unit The type of z/OS unit name that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
z/OS Volume The type of z/OS volume name that is used when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
Parameter Description
Fifth Screen
Windows Archive File Indicates if a Windows file being created is an archive file when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
Windows File EOF(CRLF/CTRL-Z) Indicates if CRLF/CTRL-Z is being used at the eof when a Windows file is being created during MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
Windows File EOF(CTRL-Z) Indicates if CTRL-Z is used at the eof for a Windows file that is created when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
Windows Hidden File Indicates if a Windows file created is a hidden file when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
Windows NTFS Compressed Indicates if a Windows file created is an NTFS compressed file when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
Windows Read Only Indicates if a Windows file created is a read-only file when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
Windows System File Indicates if a Windows file created is a system file when MFT Platform Server data transfer request transaction job is processed.
Parameter Description
Sixth and Seventh Screen
Data The request data that is processed. For example, a command that is executed.
Source System The source system where the post processing takes place; the local system or the remote system.
Status The status that the transfer must have in order for the post processing to take effect. This is either Success or Failure.
Type The type of command that is executed. The types are Call Program (*PGM), Command (*CMD), Call JCL (*JCL) or Submit (*SBM).