CRC Check
Specifies whether the CRC check validation method is used in this transfer. CRC check validation adds an extra layer of security and file integrity. The CRC check validation checks the data sent and received over the network between MFT Platform Server Initiator and Responder Programs.
The CRC Check defined to MFT Platform Server for the given remote node via the Work With Node Configuration ( CFWRKNET) or Global Parameter Update ( CFUPDGLB) command is used. Valid values are:
- Y - CRC Check Validation method is used.
- N - CRC Check Validation method is not used.
If node name is selected in
Connection Type, the CRC check value is retrieved from the MFT Platform Server Node Configuration File record based on the node name selected. If the node name does not exist, a default value is used. If IP address or IP name is selected in
Connection Type, the CRC check value is retrieved from the MFT Platform Server Global Parameter File record. But you can override any default value by entering the CRC check value selection in any transfer command.
Class Of Service Name
Specifies the name of the Class Of Service used in the transfer. Class Of Service is used to set the send and receive buffer sizes of sockets. Valid values are:
- blank - Default bracket name is used. Parameters
RBUFSIZE contained within brackets. Default name values are used.
- Class Of Service Name - Name entered in bracket name is used. Located in the Class Of Service Table (CFCOS) that is distributed with the MFT Platform Server product. Parameters values for
RBUFSIZE contained within the bracket name that was entered are used.
Command Type
Specifies what type of command is sent to the z/OS remote node system using MFT Platform Server Execute Command.
Valid values are:
- R - Execution of a command or Clist is used.
- P - Calling of a program is used.
- J - Calling of a program with a JCL linkage is used.
- S - Submitting of a JCL is used.
Sets the data compression to be used for this transfer. Valid values are:
- None – No data compression is used.
- LZ – LZ provides better compression ratios and compresses a wider variety of different data types than RLE. Choose LZ if you need better compression ratios and can spare CPU cycles. LZ compression uses a lot of CPU cycles. We strongly suggest using ZLIB compression instead of LZ compression. ZLIB compresses better and uses far fewer CPU cycles.
- RLE – RLE is more data-dependent than LZ. That is, the compression ratio may vary widely based upon the type of data being compressed. Choose RLE if you network bandwidth is not a critical bottleneck for your network and you need to save CPU cycles.
- ZLIB – ZLIB Data Compression method is used.
Execute Command
Specifies the command that is run on a remote MFT Platform Server.
Local File Options
Specifies when this command is used to execute remote command whether local file is created or to replace the data records. Valid values are:
- C - If the local file does not exist, a file is created with the name specified in the Local File Name, Library and Member parameter. Received data records are written to the local file. If the local file exists, the command ends with an escape message.
A library name must be specified on the
Local File Name,
Library and
Member parameter. The special value
*LIBL must not be used when creating the local file.
To run this command, you must be authorized to add the local file to the specified library, and you must also have operational rights to the
Create Physical File (CRTPF) command.
- R - Received data records replace all existing records in the local file member that is used. The local file member is cleared before the received data records are added.
The local file must exist when this command is executed. A local file is not created to receive the data records. The command ends with an escape message
- A - All received data records are added at the end of the local file member that is used.
The local file must exist when this command is executed. A local file is not created to receive the data records. The command ends with an escape message.
- X - If the local file does not exist, a new local file is created and the received data records are added to the local file member that is used.
If the local file exists, all existing records are replaced in the local file member that is used. The to-file member is cleared before the received data records are added.
- Y - If the local file does not exist, a new local file is created and the received data records are added to the local file member that is used.
If the local file exists, all received data records are added at the end of the local file member that is used.
- Z - Whether the local file exists or not, a new local file is created and the received data records are added to the local file member that is used.
Local File – Name
Specifies the name of the local physical file which receives data from the remote system after the remote command is executed successfully and provides an output.
Note: Only UNIX and WINDOWS operating systems return data to the local file.
Special value
*FIRST means the first local member in the local file receives remote data records.
Transport Layer Security
Processes the request transfer using the TCP/IP security protocol. The transport layer security defined to MFT Platform Server for the given remote node via the
Work With Node Configuration (CFWRKNET) command is used.
The Transport Layer Security value is retrieved from the MFT Platform Server Node Configuration File by the Remote Location Name or the IP Address command parameter field values, if the remote node record exists.
- Y - Specifies that the transport layer security is required for this data transfer request transaction job.
- N - Specifies that the transport layer security is not required for this data transfer request transaction job.
- T - Specifies that the transport layer security tunnel is required for this data transfer request transaction job.
ZLIB Compression Level
Indicates which ZLIB data compression level from 0 to 9 controlling the level of compression that is used to process if any, for all MFT Platform Server outgoing data transfer request transactions for a particular remote node. 0 is no ZLIB compression level.
You can set the ZLIB data compression level to be used for this transfer.
ZLIB data compression level is compress data levels from 0 to 9 controlling the level of compression; 1 is fastest and produces the least compression, 9 is slowest and produces the most compression.
The ZLIB compression level defined to MFT Platform Server for the given remote node via the Work With Node Configuration ( CFWRKNET) command is used.
Note: We suggest using ZLIB2 since this offers a high level of compression and does not use too many CPU cycles. Valid values are:
- 0 - No ZLIB data compression level
- 1 - ZLIB data compression level 1 method
- 2 - ZLIB data compression level 2 method
- 3 - ZLIB data compression level 3 method
- 4 - ZLIB data compression level 4 method
- 5 - ZLIB data compression level 5 method
- 6 - ZLIB data compression level 6 method
- 7 - ZLIB data compression level 7 method
- 8
- ZLIB data compression level 8 method
- 9 - ZLIB data compression level 9 method