Getting Started
The TIBCO ActiveSpaces Hawk Microagent application is packaged and installed as a jar file under the following lib folder:
Before you start the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Hawk Microagent, ensure that the TIBCO Rendezvous daemon and the Hawk Agent have already been started on the machine. Refer to the TIBCO Hawk documentation for more details.
Start your TIBCO ActiveSpaces application before starting the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Hawk Microagent application to monitor your Metaspace cluster. The Hawk Microagent application primarily collects statistics information for Spaces and Members of your Metaspace by joining the System Spaces as Leech. There is no direct access to the data of the User Spaces.
To start the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Hawk Microagent, the classpath must include the lib folder of both the TIBCO Rendezvous and the Hawk installations. From the command line, it accepts the same set of Metaspace connection arguments as in as-agent, such as Metaspace name, Discovery and Listen URL.
Additionally, it accepts parameters to establish a connection to TIBCO Rendezvous for communications with the Hawk Agent. If no port is specified, the default is port=7474. Refer to the ActiveSpaces documentation for details on the command line arguments for as-agent.
Here is a typical Unix shell script to start the TIBCO Hawk Microagent:
#!/bin/sh export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<AS_HOME>/lib:<RV_HOME>/lib java -Djava.ext.dirs=<RV_HOME>/lib:<HAWK_HOME>/lib -jar as-hawk-agent.jar -metaspace <metaspace>
Help information can also be displayed by including with the -usage argument:
java -jar as-hawk-agent.jar -usage
Once TIBCO ActiveSpaces Hawk Microagent is successfully started, you can use the TIBCO Hawk display to perform interactive monitoring activities on the connected Hawk Agent.
From the Hawk display, gather all Hawk Microagents registered and discovered on the machine. The TIBCO ActiveSpaces Hawk Microagent is displayed as:
Selecting the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Hawk Microagent displays all the methods exposed for this Metaspace connection. Note that you can monitor multiple Metaspaces by starting multiple instances of the TIBCO Actives Hawk Microagent. Unlike as-agent, where you can start multiple instances to perform seeding and operations on User Spaces, you should only have one instance of the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Hawk Microagent per Metaspace connection.