Local Site Definition
The first step in using cross-site replication is creating a local site definition on each metaspace involved in cross-site replication.
The first member of a metaspace that is started must create a local site definition. The local site definition is associated with the metaspace, so any future members that join the metaspace are automatically members of the named site. If subsequent members also create a local site definition, the local site definition of those members is ignored and the original local site definition is used.
ActiveSpaces facilitates defining creating a local site definition when the following are run as the first metaspace member:
Note: The first metaspace member started also acts as the metaspace membership manager. If the first metaspace member exits, the membership manager role is shifted to another metaspace member thus incurring some delay and overhead in the system. Ideally, the first metaspace member would be one which is expected to run for the life of the metaspace.
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