Sets the time scope associated with a specified browserDef (browser).
tibas_status tibasBrowserDef_SetTimeScope (tibasBrowserDef browserDef, int_timescope timescope)
Use the tibasBrowserDef_SetTimeScope() function to set the time scope associated with a specified browserDef and its associated browser.
The timescope parameter specifies the time scope for the browser, and can have one of one of the following values:
- Start the browser with all the tuples currently in the space and update it continuously updated when tuples are added.
- Start the browser with all the tuples in the space at the time the browser is created (or initial values), but do not update it when new tuples are added. This is the default value.
- Start the browser with no tuples, but update it with new tuples that are created in the space.
- This value is only used with event browsers. The browser starts empty and is updated when new events occur.
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