Persister Action Op OpList ActionResult LogLevel and Recovery Functions
The Persister object enables the user to specify a set of functions that collectively implement the Persister interface. Once a Persister object is created, it can then be registered on a space using the tibasSpace_SetPersister function.
The Action, Op, OpList, and ActionResult classes are closely related to the Persister class. Functions implementing persistence get passed a tibasAction and return a tibasActionResult. The tibasAction objects have a type, contain the space for which the action applies and its name. Actions of type TIBAS_ACTION_READ also contain a tuple (the values of the key fields for the record that needs to be read from the persistence layer) and Actions of type TIBAS_ACTION_WRITE contain an OpList. Op objects represent individual persistence operations and have a type.
Recovery options enable data recovery in the metaspace.