One of the interesting things to see demonstrated for shared-nothing persistence, is how recovery occurs when all of the seeders for a space go down and then come back up.
Start ASOperations as described earlier.
We will refer to this process as ASOperations1.
Start another ASOperations as described earlier.
We will refer to this process as ASOperations2.
Put several entries into the space using either ASOperations1 or ASOperations2.
Use the br command with ASOperations2 to verify the entries in the space.
Exit the ASOperations1 process (enter quit at the command line).
Use the br command with ASOperations2 to verify that the entries have been redistributed to ASOperations2.
Exit the ASOperations2 process (enter quit at the command line).
Restart ASOperations2.
You will see a message indicating that the space is not ready and instructing you to issue a recover space admin command.
Start as-admin and connect to the metaspace:
connect name "examplems"
Issue the following recover command in as-admin:
recover space shared_nothing_persisted with data
When you see the message indicating the persisted data has been loaded in the window used to start ASOperations2, use the br command with ASOperations2 to verify that the entries in the space have been restored.