Batch version of the lock operation. Requires a list of key value tuples to take and returns a list of results.
tibas_status tibasSpace_LockAllEx( tibasSpace space, tibasSpaceResultList* resultList, tibasTupleList keyList, tibasLockOptions options)
Use the tibasSpace_LockAllEx() function to lock a tuples whose key values are specified in a specified keyList. You can also specify lock wait and forget options for the lock operation. You can also specify a filter for the lock operation.
You can use the options parameter to provide a tibasLockpOtions structure that specifies the options for the lock. The tibasLockOptions structure is defined as follows:
struct _tibasLockOptions { tibas_long lockWait; tibas_boolean forget; const char* filter; };
The lock options are defined as follows:
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