Returns a browser for the space to iterate through all the events that match the filter.
tibas_status tibasSpace_BrowseEvents (tibasSpace space, tibasEventBrowser* eventBrowser, tibasEventBrowserDef browserDef, const char* filter)
Use the tibaSpace_BrowseEvents() function to create an event browser on a specified space.
On each iteration, the browser will return an event for the next tuple. Events represent a put, take, seed, unseed, or expire event
Before you call this function, create an eventBrowserDef object by calling the tibasEventBrowserDef_Create() or tibasEventBrowserDef_CreateEx() function and define the attributes of the event browser. You can do this directly when you specify the arguments for the tibasEventBrowserDef_CreateEx() function, or by calling the EventBrowserDef functions, which let you specify the distribution scope and time scope plus a timeout value for the event browser.
You can use the filter parameter to specify a filter that limits the events returned by the event browser.
After you create the event browser, use the tibasEventBrowser_Next() function to iteratively return the next matching event in the space’s event stream.