The ASBrowser example creates a space browser which, by default, retrieves all of the entries in the default space 'myspace,’ displays them in the command window, and then exits.
The ASBrowser example does not create any entries in the space. Therefore you should run ASOperations to create the space and put data into it so you will have something in the space to “browse.” See ASOperations for more specific information on running ASOperations.
The ASBrowser example accepts the following additional command line arguments:
-timeout 0 | -1 | xxx where: 0=no wait (default), -1=wait forever, xxx=timeout in milliseconds
-filter “” | filter_string where: “”=no filter (default)
-distribution_scope all | seeded (default: all)
-timescope snapshot | all | new (default: snapshot)
-browser get | take (default: get)
-prefetch entries_to_prefetch (default: 1000)