Specifies the eviction policy for a specified space.
tibas_status tibasSpaceDef_SetEvictionPolicy( tibasSpaceDef spaceDef, tibas_evictionPolicy evictionPolicy)
Use the tibasSpaceDef_SetEvictionPolicy() function to specify the eviction policy for a specified space.
The eviction policy can be:
- Do not evict any tuples from the space.
- Use the least recently used (LRU) algorithm to evict tuples from the space when the capacity of the space is reached.
If you specify TIBAS_EVICTION_LRU, then you must also specify a capacity value for the space by calling the tibasSpaceDef_SetCapacity() function.
If you specify a capacity and a LRU policy, then if the space is full (the specified capacity has been reached) and a request to insert a new tuple is made, the space will evict one of the tuples to make room for the new one.
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