SpaceResult and InvokeResult
You can use the SpaceResult operations to retrieve tuples from SpaceResult lists and perform other operations on a SpaceResult object.
A SpaceResult object contains a result of a batch space operation such as tibasSpace_GetAll() andtibasSpace_CompareAndPutAll().
SpaceResult objects are elements of a list of returned objects that is stored in a SpaceResultList object, which is described in SpaceResultList and InvokeResultList. The SpaceResultList functions include additional convenience functions, such as tibasSpaceResultList_GetStatus(), which can be used to access the status code returned by an operation and the tuple associated with the operation.
InvokeResult objects contain the result of an invocation of an invocable function. You can use the InvokeResult operations to determine whether an invocation result has an error or determine the space member involved in the invocation.