LockTTL Methods
The entry TTL can be set or returned using the SpaceDef objects’s setTTL and getTTL methods, respectively.
The default value (DEFAULT_ENTRY_TTL) is TTL_FOREVER, which means that tuples in the space never expire. When a tuple expires from the space, an event of type EXPIRE_EVENT is automatically generated and can be caught by applications by using a listener or event browser on the space.
You can set or return the LockTTL value by using the SpaceDef objects’s setLockTTL and getLockTTL methods, respectively. The value is expressed in milliseconds and defaults to TTL_FOREVER.
The LockWait value can be set or gotten using the SpaceDef object’s setLockWait and getLockWait methods, respectively. It is expressed in milliseconds. The default value is NO_WAIT, indicating that this feature is not used, and that an operation attempting to modify a locked tuple will immediately return with a failure indicating that the tuple is currently locked.