
Returns a tuple (if one exists) from the specified space whose key fields match the key fields of the specified tuple. It also allows you to add a filter and the list of fields to be returned.


tibas_status tibasSpace_GetAllEx(
    tibasSpace space,
    tibasSpaceResultList* resultList,
    tibasTupleList keyList,
    tibasGetOptions options);


Parameter Description
space The TIBCO ActiveSpaces entity on which the function is invoked.
resultList A resultList object containing a list of results for the get operations..
keyList The list of tuples containing keys for tuples to be retrieved.
options Provide a tibasGetOptions structure that specifies the options for the get.


Use the tibasSpace_GetAllEx() function to return a tuple (if one exists) from the specified space whose key fields match the key fields of the specified tuple. It also allows you to add a filter and the list of fields to be returned.

The options parameter specifies a tibasGetOptions structure that specifies options for the get operation. The tibasGetOptions structure is defined as follows:

struct _tibasGetOptions {
    void* optionPtr;
    void* resultHandler;
    void* closure;
You can use the get/set methods defined for tibasGetOptions to set the attributes of the structure. See tibasGetOptions.