
To provide fault-tolerance and prevent loss of tuples if one of the seeders in a space suddenly goes down, you can specify that space data is replicated—backed up one or more seeders.

ActiveSpaces replication is performed in a distributed active-active manner.
Note: Remember that when replicate all is set, the host aware settings are ignored and all seeders of the spaces get either the original copy or the replica.
Redistribution or Replication
  Redistribution is performed when a new seeder joins the space, rereplication happens when a seeder leaves the space. The ActiveSpaces log file is updated when the redistribution task is complete. You get notified when the redistribution is complete.
Distributed Replication
 Replication is distributed over several seeders. Each seeder seeds some tuples and also replicates tuples assigned to other seeders. A given seeder does not have a designated backup that replicates all of the tuples that this seeder seeds; instead, the tuples that it seeds are replicated by any of the other seeders.
Active-active Mode
 There are no “backup seeders” waiting for a “primary seeder” to fail to start before becoming active. Instead, all seeders are always active, and are both seeding and replicating tuples. This ensures efficient replication— if a seeder fails, there is no need to redistribute the tuples among the remaining seeders to ensure that the distribution remains balanced. ActiveSpaces simply rebuilds the replication data, which is less work than having to redistribute. This results in a lower performance impact when a seeder fails.
Related reference