Installing in the Silent Mode

You can run the installer without user input by pointing the installer to a response file. A default configured response file exists.

In the silent mode, the installer does not prompt for inputs during installation but reads the inputs from a response file. By default, the installer uses the TIBCOUniversalInstaller_activespaces_version.silent file, which is included in the directory that contains the universal installer.


  1. Open the physical media or download the package.
  2. Extract the contents of the package to a temporary directory.
  3. Using a console window, navigate to the temporary directory.
  4. Make a copy of the TIBCOUniversalInstaller_activespaces_<version>.silent file and rename the file.
  5. Using a text editor, open the copied file. You may need to update the install location and features to install.
    1. Update the install location. The default location is: <entry key="installationRoot">C:\tibco</entry>.
    2. Update features to install. Set the features that you want to install to true.
  6. Run the silent installer with or without the optional response file.
    • Windows: TIBCOUniversalInstaller.cmd -silent [-V responseFile="myfile.silent"]
    • UNIX: TIBCOUniversalInstaller.bin -silent [-V responseFile='myfile.silent']