Attaches a listener to a space for receiving space events.
tibas_status tibasMetaspace_Listen (tibasMetaspace metaspace, const char* spaceName, tibasListener listener, tibasListenerDef listenerDef, const char* filter)
Use the tibasMetaspace_Listen() function to attach a listener to a specified space in a specified metaspace. You do not have to be joined to the space to call the function.
Before you can attach a listener to a space, there must be:
- A listener object created by a call to the tibasListener_Create() function.
Specify this object with the listener parameter.
- A ListenerDef object that specifies the characteristics of the listener.
Specify this object with the listenerDef parameter.
Calling tibasMetaspace_Listen() may cause the space to be automatically joined with a distribution role of TIBAS_DISTRIBUTION_ROLE_LEECH if not already joined.
Prior to calling tibasMetaspace_Listen(), you must create a tibasListenerDef object by calling the tibasListenerDef_Create() function or the tibasListenerDef_CreateEx() function and specify the attributes of the listener, such as the time scope and distribution scope for the listener.