Specifies the name of an application function to be invoked on a specified space member.
tibas_status tibas_SetMemberInvocable( const char* name, tibas_memberInvocable invocable)
Use the tibas_SetMemberInvocable() function to specify the name of an application function to be invoked on a specified space member.
You must call tibas_SetMemberInvocable() before you call the tibasSpace_InvokeMember() function.
The name parameter specifies the name of the invocable function that is called.
The invocable parameter specifies a tibas_memberInvocable type that provides the name of a function that conforms to the function prototype for invocable functions.
The tibas_memberInvocable typedef specifies the function prototype for an invocable function, and has the following syntax:
typedef void (TIBAS_CALL_API *tibas_memberInvocable)( tibasSpace space, tibasTuple context, tibasTuple result);
- space
- Specifies the space on which the invocable function is to be invoked.
- context
- Specifies a user-defined context string used to identify the function.
- result
- Returns the result of the invocation.
For a sample program showing the use of tibas_SetMemberInvocable() and tibas_SpaceInvokeMember(), see the InvokeClient sample program provided with the ActiveSpaces distribution. For documentation on InvokeClient, see Remote Space Invocation: InvokeClient in the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Developer’s Guide.