Returns a new FieldDef instance. The default value of the field is “not nullable.”
tibas_status tibasFieldDef_Create (tibasFieldDef* fieldDef, char* fieldName, tibas_type fieldType)
Use the tibasFieldDef_Create() function to create a new field definition. The field definition is returned in a fieldDef object that you pass to the function.
The fieldName parameter specifies a string, enclosed in double quotes, that represents the field name.
The fieldType parameter specifies the type for the field. This can be any of the data types listed in the tibas_type enumeration (See tibas_type for the enumeration that lists the data types).
After you have created the fields for a tuple by calling tibasFieldDef_Create(), you can assign the fields to a spaceDef object by calling the tibasSpaceDef_PutFieldDef() function and assign a key value by calling the tibasSpaceDef_SetKey() function.
tibasSpaceDef spaceDef = NULL; tibasFieldDef keyField = NULL; tibasFieldDef valueField = NULL; tibasFieldDef timeField = NULL; char const* spaceName = "myspace"; tibasFieldDef_Create(&keyField, "key", TIBAS_INTEGER); tibasFieldDef_Create(&valueField, "value", TIBAS_STRING); tibasFieldDef_SetNullable(valueField, TIBAS_TRUE); tibasFieldDef_Create(&timeField, "time", TIBAS_DATETIME); tibasFieldDef_SetNullable(timeField, TIBAS_TRUE); tibasSpaceDef_Create(&spaceDef); tibasSpaceDef_PutFieldDef(spaceDef, keyField); tibasSpaceDef_PutFieldDef(spaceDef, valueField); tibasSpaceDef_PutFieldDef(spaceDef, timeField); tibasSpaceDef_SetKey(spaceDef, "key")