
Creates a metaspace and assigns it a specified name.


tibas_status tibas_GetMetaspace
(tibasMetaspace* metaspace,
const char* metaspaceName)


Parameter Description
metaspace Pointer to a tibasMetaspace struct that returns the metaspace definition.
metaspaceName Pointer to a string specifying the metaspace name.


Use the tibas_GetMetaspace() function to create a metaspace with a specified name.

You can only use tibas_GetMetaspace() if your application already has a connection to a metaspace, which would normally be instantiated by calling tibasMetaspaceConnect(). The tibas_GetMetaspace function() is provided as a convenience function, which you can call if your application needs a second connection to a metaspace.

The function returns a Metaspace object that you can use to connect to the metaspace.