Viewing the Member Average Latency Statistics


Follow the Monitoring a Metaspace procedure to monitor the metaspace.


  1. From the left pane, click the metaspace to list the spaces under the metaspace.
  2. Click one of the spaces to monitor the space.
  3. Click Members > Member Average Latency Statistics to see the statistics of average latency of a member associated with the space.
    The following details are displayed:
    • Member: Name of the space member performing the operations.
    • Put: Average Latency on performing a Put operation in microseconds.
    • Total: Total time spent in performing the Put operations by a space member that joined the space since the metaspace started.
    • Get: Average latency on performing a Get operation in microseconds.
    • Total: Total time spent in performing the Get operations by a space member that joined the space since the metaspace started.
    • Take: Average latency on performing a Take operation in microseconds.
    • Total: Total time spent in performing the Take operations by a space member that joined the space since the metaspace started.
    Member Average Latency Statistics
    Member Avg Latency Stats