Resetting the Validity for Policy, Token, or Domain Credentials

OpenSSL can be used to check when a certificate expires. If you have OpenSSL installed on your system, perform the following steps to check the validity period for the certificate in an ActiveSpaces policy or token file.


  1. Extract the certificate information from the policy or token file into a separate text file named mycert.pem. The certificate includes the following lines and everything in between them:
  2. Run the following openssl command on the text file you just created that contains the certificate:
    openssl x509 -text -noout -in mycert.pem
    You should see something like the following in the information displayed:
    Not Before: Jul 1 22:26:17 2015 GMT
    Not After : Jun 30 23:26:17 2017 GMT
    Note: The Not After date is the last day the certificate will be valid.
    Attention: If you have data encryption enabled, refer to the steps in Resetting the Validity for a Policy when Data Encryption is Set.
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