Configuring JMS Destinations for Southbound Service Operations

By default, the southbound service operations are sent to a single default queue for all service operations per ESB channel defined for a back-end service. Users can configure a JMS destination name and type for a given channel for southbound service operation of ESB type.

The default queue are explained in Configuring TIBCO Enterprise Message Service. You can override the default JMS destinations by configuring the destination and type.

To configure a destination and type for an ESB service type, follow these steps:


  1. Start the GUI, if it has not already started. See Starting GUI for details.
  2. Add a new service of ESB Type. See Adding a New Target Operation for details.
  3. Set the following parameters to configure a destination for the service:
    Parameter Description
    ESB Channel Define the number of predefined ESB channels.
    Destination Name Define a name of the custom queue or topic destination for JMS channel. This topic or queue should exist on the EMS server.

    For example, type a queue name as asg.custom.requestQ

    For example, type a topic name as asg.custom.requestT

    Destination Type Select the type of the destination for JMS channel from the drop-down list. Valid values are QUEUE or TOPIC. If no value is given, then the QUEUE type is used as default.

    QUEUE type sets the JMS destination as queue.

    TOPIC type sets the JMS destination as topic.

  4. Save the service configuration.