Starting Studio
Steps to start Studio
- Navigate to the ASG_HOME/studio/eclipse directory.
Start TIBCO Business Studio.
On the Windows platform, double-click the studio.exe executable.
You can also type the following command on a command prompt window:
cd ASG_HOME\studio\eclipse studio.exe
Note: You can start the Studio by following the Windows menu Start > All Programs > TIBCO > TIBCO ENV > TIBCO API Exchange 2.1 > Studio.On the LINUX platform, type the following command on a command prompt window:
cd ASG_HOME/studio/eclipse studio
If you are prompted, select or create the Eclipse workspace directory where your project files are stored. If you select the option to use this workspace as default, you are not prompted again.
A Welcome screen displays when you run the Studio first time. Click the X next to Welcome to close the welcome screen.
- Click OK.
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