Running Processing Units At Command Line

See Processing Units of Core Engine for the processing units details of TIBCO API Exchange Gateway.

You can run any processing unit as follows:


  1. Navigate to ASG_HOME/bin directory.
  2. Type the command as follows:
       asg-engine -u asg_processing_unit_name -a asg_config_name


    • asg_processing_unit_name is the name of the processing unit name.
    • asg_config_name is the name of the project configuration. The project configuration is not required for the gateway management components such as Global Throttle Manager, Central Logger, Cache Cleanup Agent.

    For example, run the asg-gtm processing unit as follows:

       asg-engine -u asg-gtm -a ASG_Configuration_Name

    where ASG_Configuration_Name is the gateway project configuration of TIBCO API Exchange Gateway.