Editing MM.cdd File

The CDD file used by the MM server is the MM.cdd. In this file, you must specify the path to the site topology file. The MM.cdd file is an XML file and can be edited using any XML or text editor.

Note: Before you make any changes to the MM.cdd file, back up this file.


  1. Navigate to the ASG_HOME/mm/bin directory.
  2. Edit the MM.cdd file and change the value of be.mm.topology.file property, if required. This property must be set to the fully qualified path of the site topology file for the cluster to be monitored. Specify the location of the site topology file you want to the MM server to load.

    By default, the property is set to the sample of a site topology file shown as follows:

    <property name="be.mm.topology.file" value="ASG_HOME/mm/bin/asg_default.st"/>

    The sample site topology file exists as follows:


    Note: Whenever you make changes to the MM.cdd file, restart the MM server so that it uses the updated values.