Extension Mechanism
Extension mechanism capability allows you to add custom stages in the default transaction processing pipeline. The custom stage is developed using the rules language within Studio.
Extension mechanism implements the following features:
Association Cache
The Core Engine provides a mechanism to cache the previous acquired information retrieved from the external systems during the lookups. It uses that information later to optimize the time taken for routing of the requests.
Response Cache
The Core Engine has the capability to store the responses of requests in the cache clusters. It uses these responses for later requests. Response cache is implemented using association caches. This functionality allows the Core Engine to process the requests faster and also to off load the service endpoints.
Sequential Orchestration
TIBCO API Exchange Gateway supports sequential orchestration. Sequential orchestration allows you to access multiple service endpoints by making a number of sequential calls to fulfill or authorize a request. With sequential orchestration, there is effectively a single outbound service invocation, preceded by one or more sidebound service invocations.
Sequential orchestration may use the associative and responses cache features to accelerate the processing of future requests, which helps minimize the load on back-end systems.
Sequential orchestration allows you to access the external systems when one or more service requests are pipelined.
Field Translation
The Core Engine has the ability to call the external services to perform the translations of certain fields required for the main request processing. For example, if the requestor sends a product ID in the request but the back-end service requires the product name, then the Core Engine calls an east side service to translate the product ID into the product name. This translated value (product name in this case) is replaced in the main request payload and is used to invoke the back end service.
This cross referencing for lookups and data enrichments can use the association cache functionality for faster processing of requests.
Content based Authorization
TIBCO API Exchange Gateway supports partner authorization based on the content of the incoming request message. This functionality allows the partners to authenticate the references of the partner (for example, customers of the partners) which are sent in the content of the message.
For content based authorization, you have a single request which contains one or more customer references. TIBCO API Exchange Gateway supports the authorization of each request individually by parsing the content of the request message.
Content based authorization uses extension mechanism capability which allows you to use the association cache functionality.