Running OSGI Commands from bwadmin Command Line

Follow these steps to execute OSGI commands from the bwadmin command line.


Ensure the AppNode is running.


  1. From the CLI, navigate to the /bin folder.
  2. Start bwadmin.
  3. Enter an OSGI command. OSGI commands can be executed from the command line in the format osgi [options] [command] . In the following example, the option -n is used to specify the AppNode MyAppNode, and the la command is used to print information about applications on MyAppNode.
    bwamdin[admin@MyDomain/MyAppSpace]> osgi -n MyAppNode "la"
    OSGI Command Options
    Option Description
    -descr/ -description Description of an entity
    -t/-outputfile The OSGI command output is provided in a newly created text file. The text file is written to the /bin folder by default, but you can specify a different location, for example, C:/temp/OSGI_OUTPUT.txt.
    -d/-domain Specifies the domain name.
    -a/-appspace Specifies the name of the AppSpace.
    -n/-appnode Specifies the name of the AppNode.
    --help Lists all OSGI commands.

    For more information on specific commands, see OSGi Commands.