Wait for HTTP Request
Wait for HTTP Request is a signal-in activity that waits for an incoming HTTP request in a process. The process instance suspends until the incoming HTTP request is received.
The General tab has the following fields.
Field | Literal Value/Process Property/Module Property | Description |
Name | None | The name to be displayed as the label for the activity in the process. |
HTTP Connection | Yes | HTTP Connector shared resource that describes the host name and the port number on which the process waits for the incoming message.
For more information about specifying shared resources, see HTTP Connector . |
Context Path
Yes | This is the prefix of a URL path used to select the contexts to which an incoming request is passed.
You can either specify both Context Path and Path Spec, any, or none of these elements. For example, the path displays in http://hostname.com/contextPath/pathSpec format. In a Send HTTP POST request where a Path Spec is not provided, add a forward slash (/) after the Context Path (for example: http://<host>:<port>/<contextPath>/). If you do not add the forward slash, the POST request is redirected as a GET request for the resource at <context_path>. In a Send HTTP POST request where a Path Spec is provided no forward slash (/) is required (for example: http://<host>:<port>/<contextPath>/<pathSpec>). |
Path Spec | Yes | If specified, it is added as a prefix of a URL of the form http://hostname.com/contextPath/pathSpec. |
Output Style | None | The output message format. You can select either String or Binary format for the output messages. |
Parse Post Method Data | None | Specifies whether the message body of the HTTP request should be parsed into a schema for the out of the activity.
When you select this check box, the parameters specified in the Parameters field are used to validate the incoming request and parse it into the output schema. This field is present only when the Output Style is String. |
Parameters | None | The parameters of the incoming HTTP request. You can specify parameters in this table for the incoming request to be parsed and represented as a schema in this output of the activity. For each parameter, you must provide a
datatype, and whether the field is
Optional, or
Use the
Note: Specifying parameters in this field parses the query string of the request into the output schema, regardless of whether the
Parse Post Method Data check box is selected. Selecting the
Parse Post Method Data check box and specifying the parameters in this field is required to parse the message body along with the query string of the request.
Expose Security Context | None | Select this check box meant for Security Context Propagation and Security Context, to make it available as a transport data in the mapping panel. |
Default Encoding | Yes | Specifies the encoding to use, if no charset is specified in the Content-Type header of the message. This encoding is used for the message body and URL. |
Field | Description |
Event Timeout (seconds) | This field specifies the amount of time (in seconds) a message waits, if it is received before this activity is executed. If the event timeout expires, an error is logged and the event is discarded. If no value is specified in this field, the message waits indefinitely. If zero (0) is specified, the event is discarded. |
Activity Timeout (msec) | A file change may occur before this activity is executed. This field specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait, if the file change occurs before this activity is executed in the process instance. If the event timeout expires, an error is logged and the event is discarded. |
The Advanced tab has the following fields.
Field | Process Property/Module Property | Description |
Fill Standard Headers | None | When this check box is selected, additional headers such as Authorization, User-agent, and Host are populated in the Dynamic Headers element in the server response received from the client. |
Write to File | None | Select this check box to specify that the incoming messages whose body and attachments exceed the specified threshold size, should be written to a file instead of stored in memory. With this you can accept large incoming messages without consuming a great deal of memory.
Selecting this check box displays the Directory, Create Non-Existing Directories, and Threshold Size fields. Keep this check box clear if you want to keep the incoming messages in memory. |
Directory | Yes | The directory to write messages that are above the specified threshold. The process engine does not attempt to create the directory if the specified directory does not exist. Therefore, create the directory before starting the process engine. |
Create Non-Existing Directories | None | When you select this check box is, all directories in the path specified in the
Directory field are created, if they do not already exist.
If you do not select check box and there are one or more directories in the specified path in the Directory field that do not exist, an exception is raised. |
Threshold Data Size(bytes) | Yes | The maximum size (in bytes) of an incoming message that can be kept in memory. Messages larger than the specified size are written to a file in the specified directory. The name of the file is the output so that subsequent activities in the process can access the file and read its contents.
Specifying zero (0) in this field causes all incoming messages to be saved to a file. |
Output Editor
Output Editor tab describes the data structure for the HTTP request headers. You can use the default structure, or you can alter the structure, if the incoming request has a specific data structure for the header of the request.
Header | Datatype | Description |
Accept | string | This field specifies media types that are acceptable for response messages for the incoming request. For example,
text/*,text/html. The media types are described in the
HTTP specification at w3.org.
If no Accept header field is present, the client accepts all media types. |
Accept-Charset | string | This field specifies the character sets that are acceptable for response messages for the incoming request. For example,
iso-8859-5, and
unicode-1-1. Character sets are described in the
HTTP specification at w3.org.
If no Accept-Charset header is present, the client accepts any character set. |
Accept-Encoding | string | This field specifies the content-coding values that are acceptable for response messages. For example, compress, gzip. For more information about this header field, see the HTTP specification at w3.org. |
Content-Type | string | This field indicates the media type of the entity body sent to the receiver. The media types are described in the HTTP specification at w3.org. An example of the media type is text/html; charset=ISO-8850-4. |
Content-Length | string | This field indicates the size of the entity body (in decimal number of OCTETs) sent to the receiver. It also accounts for encoding the message body. For more information about when the message body is URL encoded, see Special Characters in HTTP Requests. |
Connection | string | Use this field to specify options required for this connection. For example, the close option specifies that you want the connection to be closed when the request is complete. |
Cookie | string | For more information about this field, see the HTTP specification at w3.org. |
Pragma | string | This field is used to include implementation-specific directives that might apply to the receiver. For more information about using this field, see the HTTP specification at w3.org . |
You can join the conversation here. Click the
Joining existing conversation
button to join multiple conversations. For more information about conversations, see
Application Development.
The following is output for the activity.
Output Item | Datatype | Description |
Method | string | The method specified in the request. For example, GET or POST. |
RequestURI | string | The address part of the request. This is the part before the question mark (?). |
HTTP-Versions | string | The version field of the HTTP request. |
PostData or BinaryContent or FileName | string | The message body of the HTTP request. The content of this element depends upon whether the message body is parsed. The parsing behavior is controlled by the
Parse Post Method Data field on the
For more information, see Special Characters in HTTP Requests. |
QueryString | string | The query string part of the request. This is the part after the question mark (?). |
Header | string | The header of the HTTP request. |
Protocol | string | This can be either HTTP or HTTPS, depending upon the protocol used by the request. |
Port | string | The port number on which the request was received. This is the port number configured in the HTTP Connector shared resource. |
DynamicHeaders | complex | The dynamic header is an additional header parameter to add runtime headers to the outgoing HTTP Messages. This element is specified in the
Input tab.
DynamicHeaders consists of the following information:
You can consider the following overriding conditions:
mimeEnvelopeElement | complex | This element contains the message attachments.
This element contains a repeating element named mimePart that contains each mime attachment. |
mimeHeaders | complex | This element contains the mime header for each
mimePart. Mime headers can contain the following information:
For more information about MIME headers and their syntax, see http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2045.html. Note: When the content type is specified as
"text/*" (for example,
"text/xml"), the attachment content is in either the
textContent input element or the file name storing the attachment is in the
fileName input element. When the content type is anything other than
"text/*", the attachment content is in either the
binaryContent input element or the file name storing the attachment is in the
fileName input element.
binaryContent | textContent | fileName | complex | This element contains the mime attachment.
The element can be one of the following: |
Context | complex | Contains information about the environment of the client.
This element holds the optional RemoteAddress element. |
RemoteAddress | string | The IP address of the client that submitted the HTTP request. |
The Fault tab lists the possible exceptions generated by this activity. For more information about error codes and the corrective action to take, see the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Error Codes guide.
Threading Policy Details
The following are the details about Wait for HTTP Request activity threading policy.
Activities that support policies display the
Policy tab. To associate a new or existing policy with the
Wait for HTTP Request activity, click the
Add Policy to Activity icon. To edit policy details, click
Go to selected Policy
icon. The
Policy tab has the following fields.