Sending a SOAP Request and Receiving a SOAP Reply
A SOAP client is configured to send messages to a SOAP server, which processes the requests and sends the responses back to the SOAP client.
Configure the Server
Configure the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x Client
The output of the SOAP Request Reply activity shows the book values returned by the server, Advanced Java John Doe March, 2002 0596002111 O'Connelly.
Understanding the Configuration
This sample shows how to generate a concrete WSDL, when an abstract WSDL imports another WSDL, and how it is exposed by a service using a SOAP over HTTP binding. The server side is implemented in ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x and the client side is implemented in ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x. The client side shows a SOAP palette resource named SOAP Request Reply, which is used to send a SOAP request to the server and receive a SOAP response.
- The BooksInterface.wsdl abstract file imports the BooksMessage.wsdl file, which contains messages used by the operations in BooksInterface.wsdl.
- The BooksMessage.wsdl file imports the Books.xsd schema file, which contains elements used by the messages in the BooksMessage.wsdl file.
- The Books.xsd schema file includes the BooksType.xsd schema file, which contains the types used by the elements in the Books.xsd file.
- The SOAP over HTTP binding is used in the process service. in ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x contains the QueryBooksByAuthor process, which shows how to receive a SOAP request from the SOAP client and process the request. This process executes as follows: in ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x contains the QueryBooksByAuthor process, which shows how to send a SOAP request to the SOAP server and process the response. This process definition executes as follows: