Integrating Execution Statistics Collection Using Logback

Edit the logback.xml to integrate execution statistics collection.


  1. Upload and deploy the application to an AppNode.
  2. To enable activity execution statistics and process execution statistics, run the following commands from the Admin CLI:
    enablestats activityinstance appname appversion
    enablestats processinstance appname appversion
  3. To disable activity execution statistics and process execution statistics, run the following commands from the Admin CLI:
    disablestats activityinstance appname appversion
    disablestats processinstance appname appversion
  4. To retrieve execution statistics for a specific process, run the following command from the Admin CLI:
    enablestats -bp processname processinstance appname appversion
  5. To retrieve execution statistics for a specific activity in a specific process, run the following command from the Admin CLI:
    enablestats -bp processname -ba activityname activityinstance appname appversion
  6. By default, statistics are collected in the following files:
    • Activity statistics: AppNode_root/stats/activitystats.csv
    • Process statistics: AppNode_root/stats/processstats.csv
  7. To customize activity statistics collection, go to AppNode_root/logback.xml and configure the following appender:
    <appender name="activityStatsFileAppender" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">  
       <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">  
    <logger name="" additivity="false">
      <level value="INFO"/>
      <appender-ref ref="activityStatsFileAppender" />
    1. To write the log as a formatted HTML file, add the following file appender to the APPENDER: File Appender section of the logback.xml file.
      <appender name="activityStatsFileAppender" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
      <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
      <layout class=""/>
      <logger name="" additivity="false">
      <level value="INFO"/> 
      <appender-ref ref="activityStatsFileAppender" />
  8. To customize process statistics collection, go to AppNode_root/logback.xml and configure the following appender:
    <appender name="processinstanceStatsFileAppender" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">  
       <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">  
    <logger name="" additivity="false">
      <level value="INFO"/>
      <appender-ref ref="processinstanceStatsFileAppender" />

    Results look similar to this:

    1. To write the log as a formatted HTML file, add the following file appender to the APPENDER: File Appender section of the logback.xml file.
      <appender name="processinstanceStatsFileAppender" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
           <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
             <layout class=""/>
      <logger name="" additivity="false">
      <level value="INFO"/> 
      <appender-ref ref="processinstanceStatsFileAppender" />

      Results look similar to this:

  9. Create a table in the database using following script or use an existing one.
    create table PROCESS_INSTANCE_STAT_TABLE (APPLICATION_NAME varchar(255),APPLICATION_VERSION varchar(255),MODULE_NAME varchar(255),MODULE_VERSION varchar(255),COMPONENT_PROCESS_NAME varchar(255),JOBID varchar(255),PARENT_PROCESS_NAME varchar(255),PARENT_PROCESS_INSTANCEID varchar(255),PROCESS_NAME varchar(255),PROCESS_INSTACEID varchar(255),START_TIME varchar(255),END_TIME varchar(255),ELASPED_TIME varchar(255),EVAL_TIME varchar(255),STATUS varchar(255));
    Statistics is written either in the database or in the .csv file, but not both. If statistic is to be written in .csv, you need to put statsprovider=false in the bwagent_xxx.json file, and re-push the configuration to the bwaget.ini file.