Restoring the File System of a Domain

Restoring a domain restores the file system of the specified domain and all runtime entities in the domain to the state of the datastore.


  • The name of the domain must be known in order to restore.
  • The bwagent must be running.


  1. To restore the file system for a domain and its runtime entities, enter the restore command at the command line, using the domain argument with the name of the domain to restore. The domain can be either a local domain or a domain in a bwagent in the agent network. This example restores domain Machine2Domain in a networked bwagent named Machine2.
    BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin restore -agent Machine2 domain Machine2Domain
  2. To verify the restore, check the file system. Open the BW_HOME\domains folder. Look for a domain folder that matches the name of the domain.