Java Palette Error Codes

This section describes the error messages that can be reported by the activities or entities associated with the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Java palette.

Error Codes Error Message Error Resolution
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-PROCESSSTARTER-500001 The JAVA ProcessStarter activity [{0}] failed to a generate a new event due to exception [{1}] Ensure that the correct object passed to the 'onEvent' method in the specified Java class. Please refer to the declared class implementation for details.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-PROCESSSTARTER-500002 Illegal onEvent(Object output)/onError(Throwable throwable) method call. OnEvent/OnError method must not be called in the init method or during the initialization phase. Remove the onEvent(Object output) method call in the init method.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-PROCESSSTARTER-500003 The JAVA ProcessStarter activity [{0}] failed to a generate a new event due to exception [{1}] since it is in the stopped state. Ensure that the ProcessStarter has been stopped properly.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-000001 [{0}] This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-100001 [{0}] This is a trace message and resolution is not applicable.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-200001 [{0}] This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-300001 [{0}] This is an informational message and it highlights the runtime progress of the activity. Resolution is not applicable.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-400001 [{0}] This is a warning message and it highlights situations that may affect the activity execution.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-501005 Internal error occurred. Class=[{0}], Method=[{1}], Cause=[{2}] Make sure the Java Global Instance resource has properly referenced.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500504 Input data error in field [{0}] because [{1}]. Ensure that the correct values are provided for the method parameter elements that are in the activity input tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500604 Output data error in field [{0}] because [{1}]. Ensure that the getter methods are returning the correct values to display the activity output tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500605 Output data error in field [{0}] value cannot be null. Ensure that the getter methods are not returning null to display the activity output tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500606 Output data error in field [{0}] value is not serializable. Ensure that the getter method returns a serializable Java class to display the activity output tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500001 While executing method [{0}] encountered exception [{1}] [{2}]. Correct the error stated in the exception message and retry.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500013 Activity input data conversion error. Exception [{0}] occurred while trying to render the activity input data. [{1}] Incorrect object reference was specified for the declared Java class. Ensure that the correct Java object reference is provided for the declared Java class element shown in the input tab of this activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500014 Activity output data conversion error. Exception [{0}] occurred while trying to create the activity output data. [{1}] Ensure that the unsupported data types are not utilized or referenced in your Java class.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500017 The Java class [{0}] is not found in the classpath. Encountered ClassNotFoundException [{1}]. Ensure that that the specified class file is contained in the classpath.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500019 Activity input error. The activity received an incorrect value for the method parameters. IllegalArgumentException occurred while trying to construct an instance of the Java class [{0}]: [{1}] Ensure that the correct values are provided for the constructor parameter elements that are in the activity input tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500020 Unable to construct an instance of the Java class [{0}]. Encountered exception [{1}] [{2}]. Correct the error stated in the exception message and retry.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500021 The constructor for the Java class [{0}] raised exception [{1}]. [{2}] The exception was raised by the constructor of the declared Java class. Please refer to the Java class implementation for details.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500026 Unable to obtain information for the method [{0}] from the class [{1}]. Encountered NoSuchMethodException [{2}]. Reconfigure this activity or verify that the declared Java class has not changed since the last configuration.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500027 Unable to obtain information for the method [{0}] from the class [{1}]. Encountered SecurityException [{2}]. Correct the error stated in the exception message and retry.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500031 Activity input error. The activity received an incorrect value for the method parameters. When attempting to invoke the method [{0}], encountered IllegalArgumentException [{1}]. Ensure that the correct values are provided for the method parameter elements that are in the activity input tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500032 Activity input error. The activity received an incorrect Java object for the declared Java class [{0}]. The activity required an instance of the Java class [{1}], but received an instance of the Java class [{2}]: [{3}] Ensure that the correct Java object reference is provided for the declared Java class element shown in the input tab of this activity. Ensure that the classpath refers to the correct declared class.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500033 Activity input error. The activity received an incorrect Java object for the declared Java class [{0}]. The Java object received is not compatible with the Java object required by this activity. The activity required an instance of the Java class [{1}]: [{2}] Ensure that the correct Java object reference is provided for the declared Java class element shown in the input tab of this activity. Ensure that the classpath refers to the correct declared class.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500034 Activity input error. The activity received 'null' value for the for the declared Java class. The activity required an instance of the class [{0}], but received a 'null'. Ensure that the correct Java object reference is provided for the declared Java class element shown in the input tab of this activity.The preceding activity that provides the input value for this activity should not produce a null for its output.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500035 Unable to invoke the method [{0}]. Encountered exception [{1}] [{2}]. Correct the error stated in the exception message and retry.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500036 Unable to invoke the cleanup method [{0}]. Encountered exception [{1}] [{2}]. Correct the error stated in the exception message and retry.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500037 The method [{0}] raised exception [{1}]. [{2}]. The exception was raised by the method of the specified Java class. Please refer to the declared class implementation for details.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500038 The cleanup method [{0}] raised exception [{1}]. [{2}]. The exception was raised by the method of the specified Java class. Please refer to the declared class implementation for details.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500042 Activity input error. The activity required instance of class [{0}], but received a 'null' value for the declared Java class. Ensure that the correct Java object reference is provided for the declared Java class element shown in the input tab of this activity.The preceding activity that provides the input value for this activity should not produce a null for its output.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500043 Activity input error. The activity received incorrect Java object for the declared Java class. The activity required an instance of a class [{0}], but received instance of a class [{1}]. Ensure that the correct Java object reference is provided for the declared Java class element shown in the input tab of this activity. Ensure that the classpath refers to the correct declared class.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500046 Data Conversion error. When attempting to convert Java object to XML data encountered exception [{0}]. Ensure that unsupported data types are not utilized or referenced in your Java class.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500047 Data Conversion error. When attempting to convert XML data to Java object encountered exception [{0}]. Ensure that unsupported data types are not utilized or referenced in your Java class.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500063 Runtime error. Illegal onEvent(Object output)/onError(Throwable error) method call. OnEvent/OnError method must not be called in the init method or during the initialization phase. Remove the onEvent(Object output) method call in the init method.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500065 Runtime error. The output type defined by the getOutputObjectType() does not match with the type that is passed in to onEvent(Object object).
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500064 The Java Process Starter onstop method [{0}] raised exception [{1}]. [{2}]. The exception was raised by the 'onStop' method of the specified Java class. Please refer to the declared class implementation for details.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500066 The Java Process Starter onShutdown method [{0}] raised exception [{1}]. [{2}]. The exception was raised by the 'onShutdown' method of the specified Java class. Please refer to the declared class implementation for details.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-501067 Internal error occurred while loading the Class=[{0}], Cause=[{1}]
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-501069 Internal error occurred. Method=[{0}] references a Class=[{1}] no longer exists. Cause=[{2}] Make sure the Class referenced the method is valid.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500070 Activity input error. The activity does not receive proper input. Ensure that the input content is not empty.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JAVA-500071 Unable to obtain information for the method [{0}] from the class [{1}]. Reconfigure this activity or verify that the declared Java class has not changed since the last configuration.