Class: DocumentRoot


new DocumentRoot()

Constructs a new DocumentRoot.

The following features are supported:

  • Create Case Request
  • Create Case Response
  • Create Data View Request
  • Create Data View Response
  • Delete Case By CID Request
  • Delete Case By CID Response
  • Delete Case By Ref Request
  • Delete Case By Ref Response
  • Delete Data View Request
  • Delete Data View Response
  • Edit Data View Request
  • Edit Data View Response
  • Find All Cases Request
  • Find All Cases Response
  • Find Case By CID Request
  • Find Case By CID Response
  • Find Case By Criteria Request
  • Find Case By Criteria Response
  • Find Case By Example Request
  • Find Case By Example Response
  • Get Audit Info Request
  • Get Audit Info Response
  • Get Case Class Info Request
  • Get Case Class Info Response
  • Get Case Model Basic Info Request
  • Get Case Model Basic Info Response
  • Get Case Model Request
  • Get Case Model Response
  • Get Case References For Data View Request
  • Get Case References For Data View Response
  • Get Case State Request
  • Get Case State Response
  • Get Case Summary Request
  • Get Case Summary Response
  • Get Data View Categories Request
  • Get Data View Categories Response
  • Get Data View Details Request
  • Get Data View Details Response
  • Link Case Request
  • Link Case Response
  • Lock Case Request
  • Lock Case Response
  • Navigate Case By Criteria Request
  • Navigate Case By Criteria Response
  • Navigate Case Detailed Request
  • Navigate Case Detailed Response
  • Navigate Case Request
  • Navigate Case Response
  • Notify DDL Execution Request
  • Notify DDL Execution Response
  • Read Case Request
  • Read Case Response
  • Unlink Case Request
  • Unlink Case Response
  • Update Case Request
  • Update Case Response
  • Update Cases With Lock Request
  • Update Cases With Lock Response
  • Update DB Scripts Request
  • Update DB Scripts Response
  • View Details


CreateCaseRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.CreateCaseRequestType

Request Element for createCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Create Case Request' containment reference.

CreateCaseResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.CreateCaseResponseType

Response Element for createCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Create Case Response' containment reference.

CreateDataViewRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.CreateDataViewRequestType

Request Element for createDataView Operation This property holds the value of the 'Create Data View Request' containment reference.

CreateDataViewResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.CreateDataViewResponseType

Response Element for createDataView Operation This property holds the value of the 'Create Data View Response' containment reference.

DeleteCaseByCIDRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.DeleteCaseByCIDRequestType

Request Element for deleteCaseByCID Operation This property holds the value of the 'Delete Case By CID Request' containment reference.

DeleteCaseByCIDResponse :Object

Response Element for deleteCaseByCID Operation This property holds the value of the 'Delete Case By CID Response' containment reference.
  • Object

DeleteCaseByRefRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.DeleteCaseByRefRequestType

Request Element for deleteCaseByRef Operation This property holds the value of the 'Delete Case By Ref Request' containment reference.

DeleteCaseByRefResponse :Object

Response Element for deleteCaseByRef Operation This property holds the value of the 'Delete Case By Ref Response' containment reference.
  • Object

DeleteDataViewRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.DeleteDataViewRequestType

Request Element for deleteDataView Operation This property holds the value of the 'Delete Data View Request' containment reference.

DeleteDataViewResponse :Object

Response Element for deleteDataView Operation This property holds the value of the 'Delete Data View Response' containment reference.
  • Object

EditDataViewRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.EditDataViewRequestType

Request Element for editDataView Operation This property holds the value of the 'Edit Data View Request' containment reference.

EditDataViewResponse :Object

Response Element for editDataView Operation This property holds the value of the 'Edit Data View Response' containment reference.
  • Object

FindAllCasesRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.FindAllCasesRequestType

Request Element for findAllCases Operation This property holds the value of the 'Find All Cases Request' containment reference.

FindAllCasesResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.SearchResults

Response Element for findAllCases Operation This property holds the value of the 'Find All Cases Response' containment reference.

FindCaseByCIDRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.FindCaseByCIDRequestType

Request Element for findCaseByCID Operation This property holds the value of the 'Find Case By CID Request' containment reference.

FindCaseByCIDResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.FindCaseByCIDResponseType

Response Element for findCaseByCID Operation This property holds the value of the 'Find Case By CID Response' containment reference.

FindCaseByCriteriaRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.FindCaseByCriteriaRequestType

Request Element for findCaseByCriteria Operation This property holds the value of the 'Find Case By Criteria Request' containment reference.

FindCaseByCriteriaResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.SearchResults

Response Element for findCaseByCriteria Operation This property holds the value of the 'Find Case By Criteria Response' containment reference.

FindCaseByExampleRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.FindCaseByExampleRequestType

Request Element for findCaseByExample Operation This property holds the value of the 'Find Case By Example Request' containment reference.

FindCaseByExampleResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.SearchResults

Response Element for findCaseByExample Operation This property holds the value of the 'Find Case By Example Response' containment reference.

GetAuditInfoRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetAuditInfoRequestType

Request Element for getAuditInfo Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Audit Info Request' containment reference.

GetAuditInfoResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetAuditInfoResponseType

Response Element for getAuditInfo Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Audit Info Response' containment reference.

GetCaseClassInfoRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseClassInfoRequestType

Request Element for getCaseClassInfo Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case Class Info Request' containment reference.

GetCaseClassInfoResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseClassInfoResponseType

Response element for getCaseClassInfo Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case Class Info Response' containment reference.

GetCaseModelBasicInfoRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseModelBasicInfoRequestType

Request Element for getCaseModelBasicInfo Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case Model Basic Info Request' containment reference.

GetCaseModelBasicInfoResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseModelBasicInfoResponseType

Response Element for getCaseModelBasicInfo Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case Model Basic Info Response' containment reference.

GetCaseModelRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseModelRequestType

Request Element for getCaseModel Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case Model Request' containment reference.

GetCaseModelResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseModelResponseType

Response Element for getCaseModelversionInfo Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case Model Response' containment reference.

GetCaseReferencesForDataViewRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseReferencesForDataViewRequestType

Request Element for getCaseReferencesForDataView Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case References For Data View Request' containment reference.

GetCaseReferencesForDataViewResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.SearchResults

Response element for getCaseReferencesForDataView Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case References For Data View Response' containment reference.

GetCaseStateRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseStateRequestType

Request Element for getCaseState Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case State Request' containment reference.

GetCaseStateResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseStateResponseType

Response Element for getCaseState Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case State Response' containment reference.

GetCaseSummaryRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseSummaryRequestType

Request Element for getCaseSummary Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case Summary Request' containment reference.

GetCaseSummaryResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetCaseSummaryResponseType

Response Element for getCaseSummary Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Case Summary Response' containment reference.

GetDataViewCategoriesRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetDataViewCategoriesRequestType

Request Element for getCaseDataViewCategories Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Data View Categories Request' containment reference.

GetDataViewCategoriesResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetDataViewCategoriesResponseType

Response Element for getCaseDataViewCategories Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Data View Categories Response' containment reference.

GetDataViewDetailsRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetDataViewDetailsRequestType

Request Element for getDataViewDetails Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Data View Details Request' containment reference.

GetDataViewDetailsResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.GetDataViewDetailsResponseType

Response Element for getDataViewDetails Operation This property holds the value of the 'Get Data View Details Response' containment reference.

LinkCaseRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.LinkCaseRequestType

Request Element for linkCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Link Case Request' containment reference.

LinkCaseResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.LinkResponseType

Response Element for linkCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Link Case Response' containment reference.

LockCaseRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.LockCaseRequestType

Request Element for lockCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Lock Case Request' containment reference.

LockCaseResponse :Object

Response Element for lockCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Lock Case Response' containment reference.
  • Object
Request Element for navigateCaseByCriteria Operation This property holds the value of the 'Navigate Case By Criteria Request' containment reference.
Response Element for navigateCaseByCriteria Operation This property holds the value of the 'Navigate Case By Criteria Response' containment reference.
Request Element for navigateCaseDetailed Operation This property holds the value of the 'Navigate Case Detailed Request' containment reference.
Response Element for navigateCaseDetailed Operation This property holds the value of the 'Navigate Case Detailed Response' containment reference.
Request Element for navigateCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Navigate Case Request' containment reference.
Response Element for navigateCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Navigate Case Response' containment reference.

NotifyDDLExecutionRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.NotifyDDLExecutionRequestType

Request Element for notifyDDLExecution Operation This property holds the value of the 'Notify DDL Execution Request' containment reference.

NotifyDDLExecutionResponse :Object

Response Element for notifyDDLExecution Operation This property holds the value of the 'Notify DDL Execution Response' containment reference.
  • Object

ReadCaseRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.ReadCaseRequestType

Request Element for readCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Read Case Request' containment reference.

ReadCaseResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.ReadCaseResponseType

Response Element for readCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Read Case Response' containment reference.

UnlinkCaseRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.UnlinkCaseRequestType

Request Element for unlinkCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Unlink Case Request' containment reference.

UnlinkCaseResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.LinkResponseType

Response Element for unlinkCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Unlink Case Response' containment reference.

UpdateCaseRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.UpdateCaseRequestType

Request Element for updateCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Update Case Request' containment reference.

UpdateCaseResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.UpdateCaseResponseType

Response Element for updateCase Operation This property holds the value of the 'Update Case Response' containment reference.

UpdateCasesWithLockRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.UpdateCasesWithLockRequestType

Request Element for updateCasesWithLock Operation This property holds the value of the 'Update Cases With Lock Request' containment reference.

UpdateCasesWithLockResponse :tibco.objectapi.bds.UpdateCasesWithLockResponseType

Response Element for updateCasesWithLock Operation This property holds the value of the 'Update Cases With Lock Response' containment reference.

UpdateDBScriptsRequest :tibco.objectapi.bds.UpdateDBScriptsRequestType

Request Element for updateDBScripts Operation This property holds the value of the 'Update DB Scripts Request' containment reference.

UpdateDBScriptsResponse :Object

Response Element for updateDBScripts Operation This property holds the value of the 'Update DB Scripts Response' containment reference.
  • Object

ViewDetails :tibco.objectapi.bds.ViewDetails

Details of a data view: the case class to which it relates and search condition(s) This property holds the value of the 'View Details' containment reference.