Class: AutoArchiveResult

new AutoArchiveResult()

A result object containing information on a run of the Auto-Archiver. This can give information (depending on context) on either the current run of the Auto-Archiver, or the previous run. Constructs a new AutoArchiveResult.

The following features are supported:


duration :string

The time taken for the Auto-Archiver to run This property holds the value of the 'Duration' attribute.
  • string

ecEventSize :number

The size of the ec_event table This property holds the value of the 'Ec Event Size' attribute.
  • number

end :Date

The time the Auto-Archiver completed This property holds the value of the 'End' attribute.
  • Date

instanceEventsArchived :number

The number of events archived as a result of being related to an instance This property holds the value of the 'Instance Events Archived' attribute.
  • number

instancesArchived :number

The number of instances archived This property holds the value of the 'Instances Archived' attribute.
  • number

start :Date

The time the Auto-Archiver started This property holds the value of the 'Start' attribute.
  • Date

succeeded :boolean

Whether or not this run of the Auto-Archiver succeeded This property holds the value of the 'Succeeded' attribute.
  • boolean

systemEventsArchived :number

The number of system events archived This property holds the value of the 'System Events Archived' attribute.
  • number

timeout :Date

The scheduled timeout for this run of the Auto-Archiver This property holds the value of the 'Timeout' attribute.
  • Date

totalEventsArchived :number

The number of events archived (systemEventsArchived+instanceEventsArchived) This property holds the value of the 'Total Events Archived' attribute.
  • number

warning :Array.<string>

A textual representation of any warning the run of the Auto-Archiver may have caused This property holds the value of the 'Warning' attribute list.
  • Array.<string>